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Circuit Bent Projects

Circuit Bent Hing Hon EK-001

The EK-001 is a pretty simple unit as far as analog toy keyboards go. It has several basic options for drum beats, pre-programmed melodies and keyboard sounds. However, with a few good bends it becomes a musical powerhouse. There are bend possibilities for pitch, tempo, bass, brightness, lowpass filter, overdrive, distortion, audio output, note hold and numerous digital and modulation glitches. I also added distortion/overdrive touch contact points on the right. This allows your body to be the circuit connection and you can vary the effect with pressure changes as well as tap it on and of rhythmically. Here is a picture of the EK-001 that I made on my very first circuit bending attempt. It wasn't pretty, but it sounded awesome! I definitely improved the layout on my second attempt though... (See the "Transdimensional Transceiver" below)

Transdimensional Transceiver

Here is a slightly different model of the Hing Hon EK-001 with blue sound selection buttons instead of green. It did have a different circuit board layout, but it turned out to have almost as many cool bend capabilities as the green button version. I believe it was called "happy drummer" or something similar. I bent this one for Yip Deceiver and it turned out pretty wicked if I do say so myself. I dubed it the "Transdimensional Transceiver". As you can see, tons of bends ranging from body contacts that allow subtle pitch control for vibrato effects to switch controlled potentiometers that control everything from distortion. I also added a screaming octave effect that I called "Alien Autopsy" and a sound fattening effect that I called "Moogify". I included a 1/4" microphone input as well as a switchable 1/4" output so it could be used as an effects module or modified by an external audio source. (running a drum track through it is wicked and can give it a synced ring mod or ducked compressor style of sound) If there was one thing that I learned from first EK-001 project... There are too many good bends possibilities not to add a few project boxes for extra space.

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